Volunteering doesn’t just uplift communities—it creates measurable benefits for the companies that embrace it. At Hands On, we specialize in helping corporate groups design impactful volunteer projects. Our team handles planning, management, supplies, and leadership...
Who is ALICE? ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed — a group of hard-working individuals and families across Tennessee who, despite being employed and earning above the poverty line, still struggle with affording basic needs like...
In the aftermath of this natural disaster, we are witnessing both the heartbreaking devastation and the incredible generosity of those who are asking, “How can I help?” Our friends at United Way of Greater Knoxville, United Way of the East Tennessee...
United Way of Greater Nashville’s bi-annual Community Impact Funding (CIF) process is fast approaching, beginning on October 1, 2024 and closing on October 25, 2024. This is a crucial opportunity for local nonprofit agencies to apply for funding that will help them...
When the tornadoes struck in December 2023, the aftermath marked the beginning of a harrowing seven-month journey for one local family. The storms inflicted significant damage on their home, uprooting trees, damaging the roof, siding, and deck railing, and even...
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is a crucial resource for thousands of Middle Tennessee residents, offering free tax preparation services to asset-limited households. The 2023 tax season (filed in 2024) marked a significant milestone, both in the...
Summer has arrived! During the first half of the year, The Family Collective has been busy (as always!) amplifying the mission of United Way, building strategic partnerships, and acting as a catalyst for systems change. Within our team and community partnerships,...
Do you need help with your rent or mortgage payment?Click here to learn about local organizations that could help. Like many workplaces, United Way keeps an eye on keywords and service requests that help our neighbors find our programs and funded partners. We’ve...
United Way of Greater Nashville’s Young Leaders Society (YLS) is a network of over 700 young professionals who are passionate about the work of United Way and giving back to their community. As a group, YLS members donate over $1 million annually to United Way through...
Named for Patricia Hart, a Williamson County resident and longtime community volunteer, the Patricia Hart Society provides opportunities for its members to lend their time, talents and energy to supporting United Way’s early childhood education and literacy work....
Last week during a Financial Empowerment Center one-on-one counseling session, a participant made the following comment, “It’s like, why even bother to save this amount? After all of my bills are paid, this amount is not worth the effort to transfer into...
In the evolving world of nonprofit management, there are all kinds of financial metrics that measure performance and accountability. As we engage with corporate partners, recurring and potential donors, people often ask, “What is your overhead?” In other words:...