In the heart of Robertson County, a remarkable story unfolds — a story of community spirit and determination. What started as an idea led to an inspiring journey of how our neighbors came together to rejuvenate a community staple, igniting hope and opportunity for the...
Hands On Nashville and the Nashville VOAD teamed up to make a powerful impact in our community by hosting a relief event for the survivors of the December 9 tornadoes. As families arrived, they were greeted with open arms and a warm meal thanks to the incredible...
Helping communities respond, recover and rebuild. Donate We’ve rounded up resources from organizations and businesses offering support to Middle Tennesseans impacted by the recent storms. This is not an exhaustive list, but we hope that it helps our neighbors as they...
485 families. As we write, that’s how many families are experiencing homelessness in our community. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, slightly more than 200 families were on the Metro Nashville Coordinated Entry by-name list, the list which is used in our community to...
911 is a national emergency number that has been around for decades and adopted by many countries. In recent years, city and state governments across the U.S. have adopted additional three-digit telephone numbers to help individuals and families navigate crisis and...
In mid-July we gathered at Nissan Stadium to collect and distribute school supplies for thousands of students across our community. The riverside drop-off site buzzed with volunteers and local media as supporters arrived with loads of essential school supplies. “You...
During our annual Community Meeting on June 14, we imagined what’s possible for the future of our community and celebrated the outstanding achievements of our workplace campaign partners. Each award winner has demonstrated exceptional dedication and generosity...
You’ve seen it: the rising price of groceries, household items, gas and utility bills. Since the start of the pandemic, virtually every part of our lives has been touched by the mounting price of goods and services, which is especially concerning for our neighbors...
Everyone knows about 911. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of 211, the nationwide service that connects people to community resources, nonprofit services and help during a crisis. 211 puts you in touch with a trained community specialist any time of the day, every...
Since 1986, the Center for Living and Learning has provided recovery and reintegration for people with severe and persistent mental illness. Through residential and vocational programs, the Center helps residents recover from their mental illness in a holistic...
Our neighbors are amazingly talented! For many years, the Greater Nashville region has fostered the talents of content creators of all kinds, from musicians to artists to writers. As we planned our 100th Anniversary festivities, we wanted to ensure that our artist...
Sabrina Franklin joined the Financial Empowerment Center in 2013 and currently holds the position of Financial Counseling Manager. With the June theme of financial independence through savings in mind, she offers a few thoughts on savings and some of her earliest...