In the aftermath of this natural disaster, we are witnessing both the heartbreaking devastation and the incredible generosity of those who are asking, “How can I help?” Our friends at United Way of Greater Knoxville, United Way of the East Tennessee...
When the tornadoes struck in December 2023, the aftermath marked the beginning of a harrowing seven-month journey for one local family. The storms inflicted significant damage on their home, uprooting trees, damaging the roof, siding, and deck railing, and even...
Hands On Nashville and the Nashville VOAD teamed up to make a powerful impact in our community by hosting a relief event for the survivors of the December 9 tornadoes. As families arrived, they were greeted with open arms and a warm meal thanks to the incredible...
Helping communities respond, recover and rebuild. Donate We’ve rounded up resources from organizations and businesses offering support to Middle Tennesseans impacted by the recent storms. This is not an exhaustive list, but we hope that it helps our neighbors as they...